Neural Precomputed Radiance Transfer

Supplemental Materials and Results


bedroom - Isik21 Denoiser

This supplemental material contains the validation videos of each scene. The videos consist of a section with static lighting and moving camera, then static camera with rotating envmap, and finally moving camera and rotating envmap simultaneously. For each scene we provide individual videos and side-by-side comparisons of:

(1) A ground truth reference in Falcor [Benty20].
(2) The four proposed architectures (baseline, prt-inspired, albedo-factorized and diffuse-specular-split).
(3) Real-time path tracing (at 5spp), and the Optix denoiser output.

Additionally, our comparisons include:
(1) The Neural Radiance Cache [Mueller21], full method and cache only, for the scenes atelier and bedroom.
(2) DeepShading's network architecture [Nalbach17], reduced to equal number of parameters and re-trained per scene on atelier and bedroom.
(3) An indicative result of the most recent denoiser [Isik21] on the bedroom scene in a different rendering engine.


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