SIBR datasets available for download


Datasets for IBR algorithms using the SIBR library

We provide data preprocessed for each dataset in different packages. For instructions on downloading and using the software please see  and .

* "Preproc. data for all algos" has data allowing to run all five algorithms [Chaurasia 13, Ortiz-Cayon 15, Hedman 16, Hedman 18] and [Buehler 01]
* "Unstructured Lumigraph" allow to run our implementation of per-pixel Unstructured Lumigraph [Buehler 01]
* "Deep Blending viewer only" allows to run the [Hedman 18] algorithm (viewer only)
* "Depth Synthesis Superpixel Warp and Selective Rendering" allows to run [Chaurasia 13] and [Ortiz-Cayon 15]
* "Colmap data" provides the entire colmap directory allowing to run Deep Blending and Inside Out preprocessing
* "Inside Out" allows to run the [Hedman 16] algorithm re-implemented as a baseline in [Hedman 18] (only MVS input). For this you must have downloaded either "Colmap" or "Deep Blending viewer only"
* "Deep Blending (preproc)" provides additional data needed to run the preprocessing of [Hedman 18]



[Buehler 01] C. Buehler, M. Bosse, L. McMillan, S. Gortler, and M. Cohen. "Unstructured lumigraph rendering." In Proceedings SIGGRAPH 2001, pp. 425-432. ACM, 2001.

[Chaurasia 13] Depth synthesis and local warps for plausible image-based navigation, (

[Ortiz-Cayon 15] A Bayesian approach for selective image-based rendering using superpixels (

[Hedman et al. 16] Scalable Inside-Out Image-Based Rendering, (

[Hedman et al. 18] Deep Blending for Free-Viewpoint Image-Based Rendering,