OpenSketch: A Richly-Annotated Dataset of Product Design Sketches

Downloads: Sketches, Sketching task

Sketches in a JSON file format

Sketch encoding has the following structure:

    { "canvas": {
        "height": number of pixels,
        "width": number of pixels,
        "pen_width": number of pixels
      "strokes": [
        { "is_removed": false/true,
          "points": [
                {"p": pressure, "t": time, "x": horizontal position, "y": vertical position},
                {"p": pressure, "t": time, "x": horizontal position, "y": vertical position}
        { "is_removed": false/true,
          "points": [
                {"p": pressure, "t": time, "x": horizontal position, "y": vertical position},
                {"p": pressure, "t": time, "x": horizontal position, "y": vertical position}
Width of a stroke segment is computed as a pen width 'pen_width' multiplied by a pressure value 'p' of the last point in the strokes segment. Opacity is set to a value of 'p'.


Sketches in a SVG file format

The average pressure value is computed for each strokes: , where N is the number of points in the stroke, and p is a recordered pressure.


Sketching task code and executables


Example instructions and sketching interface screenshots

If you have any questions or found something important missing, please contact Yulia Gryaditskaya.